J.-l. Klein & M.-L. Hubert

Monday, April 25, 2011


                The Leopardus wiedii, known as the Margay is one of the most interesting ocelots (C.M.Shorter). He is found from Mexico, to Central America and all the way to South America (Arkive.org). The margay lives in humid areas of the tropical evergreens, forest and swamps (Arkive.org) (C.M.Shorter). Living in this habitat the Margay evolved great skills and adopted very well.
                The Margay has large claws that can rotate 180 degrees (Arkive.org). Helps him climb down head first down the tree and grasps the branches (Arkive.org). His tail helps him keep his balance when walking on trees. He is also a great jumper and climber and sometimes referred as the “tree ocelot.” (Glenn)Being a hunter at night the Margay uses his nocturnal eyes to help him see his pray (C.M.Shorter).  He eats from tree dwelling rodents, squirrels to birds (C.M.Shorter).
                The Margay is in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) list as an endangered species. The first problem why he is in the list is because the International fur trade. In 1976 to 1984 there were 14,000 margays traded annually (Arkive.org). The second problem is that many people captured them to sell them as pets (Arkive.org).  Finally, deforestation has been on the rise rapidly. It keeps the Margay in little forest areas because they don’t cross cleared areas (The IUCN Red List). It’s going to be the biggest challenge the margay going to face for years to come.

Works Cited

Arkive.org. Margay (Leopardus wiedii). 2003-2011. 20 04 2010 <http://www.arkive.org/margay/leopardus-wiedii/#text=All>.
C.M.Shorter. Margay - Leopardus wiedii. 1999-2006. 20 04 2011 <http://www.tigerhomes.org/wild-cats/wc-margay.cfm>.
Glenn, C.R. Earth's Endangered Creatures. 2006. 20 04 2010 <http://www.earthsendangered.com/profile-254.html>.
The IUCN Red List. Leopardus wiedii. 20 04 2010 <http://www.iucnredlist.org/apps/redlist/details/11511/0>.